Where the Path of Good Intentions Truly Leads
As we closed out May, the liberation from school work elated me. “It’s summertime!” I mentally exclaimed. The warmth of the weather and the brightness of the sunshine enlivened me. But as August arrives, and we head towards the start of another school year, the anticipation of routine and structure has lessened my carefree attitude.
If someone were to ask if I am an intentional person, I would quickly respond with an ardent yes. I like to have a plan, I thrive in structure, and I find joy in the completion of tasks. However, if I am honest with myself, the plans I put in place can lead to a false sense of control and the goals I seek to accomplish can easily become an arbitrary wish list if I am not mindful to keep the proper constructs in place.
In 2019, our family moved to the New River Valley to pursue the lifestyle we desired to raise our children in. One component of that lifestyle was to have a farm. Our faith and big picture outlook propelled my husband and me to make some challenging decisions. We prayed, researched, saved, planned, and prayed some more about what we were doing and where we were heading. Looking back, I can see God’s providence in each step as He guided us here. We’ve now bought land with a fixer-upper house, started our farm with pigs, poultry, and goats, and our lifestyle dreams are slowly becoming a reality. My heart overflows with gratitude for all He has done and is doing in the life of our family, but still there is a small undercurrent of uneasiness that creeps in at times to steal my joy. While we have been mindful to plan the major events in our life, the focus in our daily lives has become blurred. The lack of forethought for the order of our days led to meandering throughout the week. The list of things to do inadvertently grows and time flies by without many of these activities being checked off.
So how does one avoid the fog of unintentional living? What framework is needed for a life of purpose and calm? Philippians 4:8 and 9 provides insight to answer these questions:
“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” [emphasis personally added]
When my thoughts align with the virtues of His word, my trajectory is set. My response is to carry out my days with purpose guided by the mind of Christ. Being intentional in thought and disciplined in action will in turn lead to peaceful living.
So, as summer’s end quickly draws near, I look forward to the coming year of intentional living, peacefully enjoying the thoughtful ways of time well spent.