We recognize that over the years many students have thrived at VCS. However, we also recognize that some have not. In fact, we fear that for some their love for learning has actually diminished. This is heartbreaking and must be changed.
For those who are struggling, we are committed to changes that we believe will make VCS a healthier community in the future and accessible to a wider range of families. Relying upon the three C’s in our mission statement as a guide, these changes will look as follows:
Demonstrating grace more prominently as a community, striving to combat the fear of failure and pressure to perform that is hindering many of our students.
By the grace of God, our graduates will…
love truth, goodness, and beauty and recognize Christ as the source
delight in the breadth and beauty of the academic disciplines
use their education to further Christ's Kingdom
Respecting our students’ identity as image bearers, not bending their individual learning proclivities toward conformity and not focusing on their intellectual needs to the neglect of their physical and social needs.
Evaluating our reliance upon assessments to ensure that assessments complement instead of define the learning experience.
Refining our curriculum to better distinguish that which is necessary for success at VCS and that which is made available but not required.
Empowering co-teachers to actively shape their home-days to best equip their students for success.
Empowering campus teachers to utilize their experience and expertise to more prominently shape the campus day experience.
In the days ahead we will be working to make sure these changes are realized at our school. We ask for both your partnership and prayers as we embark on this exciting endeavor!
- The VCS Board of Directors and Dr. Zahraee, Head of School